“Bad Monkey” tells the story of Andrew Yancy (Vince Vaughn), who has been bounced from the Miami Police Department and is now a health inspector in the Keys. But after stumbling upon a case that begins with a human arm fished up by tourists, he realizes that if he can prove murder, he’ll be back in. He just needs to get past a trove of Floridian oddballs and one bad monkey.
“Bad Monkey” tells the story of Andrew Yancy (Vince Vaughn), who has been bounced from the Miami Police Department and is now a health inspector in the Keys. But after stumbling upon a case that begins with a human arm fished up by tourists, he realizes that if he can prove murder, he’ll be back in. He just needs to get past a trove of Floridian oddballs and one bad monkey.
集 | 下载 | 大小 | 发布于 | |
09 | Bad.Monkey.S01E09.DV.2160p.WEB.H265-SuccessfulCrab | 7.3GB | 6 天前 | |
08 | Bad.Monkey.S01E08.DV.2160p.WEB.H265-SuccessfulCrab | 7.9GB | 1 周前 | |
07 | Bad.Monkey.S01E07.DV.2160p.WEB.H265-SuccessfulCrab | 7.6GB | 2 周前 |
- 7[email protected]4k 没有资源吗 第五集