Gamma 1 Quadrilogy: 60s Italian Cinematic Science Fiction Classic Freaky Sounds

Gamma 1 Quadrilogy: 60s Italian Cinematic Science Fiction Classic Freaky Sounds
Gamma 1 Quadrilogy: 60s Italian Cinematic Science Fiction Classic Freaky Sounds

  • 意大利
  • 2005
  • 1:09:41


01. Diafanoidi (Diaphanoids) (1:53)
02. Christalli Sospesi (Suspended Crystals) (3:02)
03. Minaccia Interstellare (Interstellar Threat) (2:33)
04. Stirpe Aliena (Alien Race) (1:29)
05. Fluttuando (Floating) (4:12)
06. Desolazione Cosmica (Cosmic Desolation) (1:58)
07. Sono Tra Di Noi! (They Are Among Us!) (1:01)
08. Scontro Finale (Final Clash) (1:49)
09. Criminali Dalle Galassie (Criminals from the Galaxies) (2:15)
10. Amebe Cosmiche (Cosmic Amoebas) (4:14)
11. Oltre la 5° Dimensione (Beyond the 5th Dimension) (2:05)
12. Diafane Presenze (Diaphanous Ghosts) (1:13)
13. Galaxy Galore (4:01)
14. Fiore del Male (Flowers of Evil) (1:21)
15. Segnali dall’infinito (Signals from the Infinite) (1:52)
16. Bolle Di Azoto (Nitrogen Bubbles) (2:22)
17. Radiofaro (Radio-Beacon) (2:09)
18. Gorgo Stellare (Stellar Vortex) (3:37)
19. Planeta Errante (Wandering Planet) (2:20)
20. Fuori Orbita (Out of Orbit) (1:01)
21. Paradosso Spazio-Temporale (Space-Time Paradox) (2:43)
22. C’è Ancora Un Futuro (There’s Still a Future) (1:48)
23. Rotta Di Collisione (Collision Course) (2:45)
24. Conto Alla Rovescia (Countdown) (1:12)
25. Vagabondi Dello Spazio (Space Vagrants) (1:19)
26. Verso Altro Galassie (To Other Galaxies) (3:07)
27. I Diavoli Dello Spazio (Space Devils) (2:44)
28. Mostri o Semidei (Monsters or Demigods) (2:21)
29. Come Un Western (As a Western Movie) (1:25)
30. Snow Devils (1:15)
31. Aytin (2:38)