
维多利亚女王和残废的德皇 (2013)
"Secret History" Queen Victoria And The Crippled Kaiser

主要说的是维多利亚女王和长孙德皇威廉二世的故事。 Documentary revealing the secret childhood of Queen Victoria's eldest grandson, the future Kaiser Wilhelm II, through a long-hidden cache of intimate family letters. Wilhelm was born with a permanently paralysed arm - a disability considered shameful at the time - and was subjected to a series of bizarre and often cruel attempts to cure the condition. These childhood experiences are believed to have helped create a highly dysfunctional connection between the boy and his mother, Victoria, Princess Royal, and to have shaped his love-hate relationship with her

主要说的是维多利亚女王和长孙德皇威廉二世的故事。 Documentary revealing the secret childhood of Queen Victoria's eldest grandson, the future Kaiser Wilhelm II, through a long-hidden cache of intimate family letters. Wilhelm was born with a permanently paralysed arm - a disability considered shameful at the time - and was subjected to a series of bizarre and often cruel attempts to cure the condition. These childhood experiences are believed to have helped create a highly dysfunctional connection between the boy and his mother, Victoria, Princess Royal, and to have shaped his love-hate relationship with her


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Ch4.Secret.History.2013.Queen.Victoria.and.the.Crippled.Kaiser.1080p.H… 1.03GB 1 年前




